b). Bacilli or Rods: Bacilli are rods shaped bacteria. Some are slender(Salmonella typhi), some are rectangular with square ends(Bacillus anthracis), some are cluster shaped(Clostridium diptheriae). Bacilli aren't arranged as complex as that of cocci, however the arrangement are diplobacilli(cells arranged in pairs), Lactobacillius spp, Streptobacillus spp , cells arranged in chain, trichomes(similar to chains,but have larger area of contact between adjacent cells). Baggiota spp
i). Palisades: cells are lined side by side like match sticks & at angles to one another. Eg. Cornyebacterium spp.
Fig: Salmonella typhi
fig. Lactobacillus spp
fig. Streptobacillus spp
b). Bacilli or Rods: Bacilli are rods shaped bacteria. Some are slender(Salmonella typhi), some are rectangular with square ends(Bacillus anthracis), some are cluster shaped(Clostridium diptheriae). Bacilli aren't arranged as complex as that of cocci, however the arrangement are diplobacilli(cells arranged in pairs), Lactobacillius spp, Streptobacillus spp , cells arranged in chain, trichomes(similar to chains,but have larger area of contact between adjacent cells). Baggiota spp
i). Palisades: cells are lined side by side like match sticks & at angles to one another. Eg. Cornyebacterium spp.
Fig: Salmonella typhi
fig. Streptobacillus spp